Ocean-Sea ice-Atmosphere Interactions

Ocean-Sea ice-Atmosphere Interactions

Start/end date: 
Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 00:00 to Thursday, October 1, 2015 - 00:00
Event type: 

This project will look at the interactions between the ocean, sea ice and lower atmosphere.  In order to accurately predict the movement of sea ice and ice break-up accurate estimates of surface winds are needed. During late August and early September, on ice met towers will be deployed in the Beaufort Sea collecting near surface winds, temperature, humidity and pressure. The met towers will collect data on ice for ideally 6 – 12 months. The in-situ data will be compared to different forecasted and re-analysis datasets to evaluate the current understanding and ability to correctly forecast or model winds in the high Arctic. Using in situ observations of ice drift, surface winds and ocean currents we will determine how ice drift and forcing change as the icepack progresses from free drift in summer to restricted motion in a consolidated icepack.


Fieldwork site: CCGS Amundsen/Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf

PI: D.Barber

Project Lead: L.Candlish

Project Participants: David Barber (CEOS), Lauren Candlish (CEOS), Nathalie Thériault (CEOS)


Fieldwork summary/photo blog