2013 Nuuk Campaign - Projects
2013 Nuuk Campaign - Projects
Blog: 2013 Nuuk Campaign
- Processes determining the quantity and fate of net primary production (M. Sejr)
- Linking primary producers to top-predators: the role of capelin and sandeel in the Godthåbsfjord area (P. Grønkjær)
- Seasonal synergy between bacterial osmoprotection and algal production in sea ice (J. Deming)
- Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton production in a glacier influenced fjord (T. Juul-Pedersen)
- pH and the possible buffering role of the expanding marine vegetation against ocean acidification in coastal waters of Greenland (D. Krause-Jensen)
- Quantifying the influences of biogeochemical processes on carbon dynamics in the Godthabsfjord (L. Meire)
- Paleoclimate and sediment biogeochemistry (M. Solveig Seidenkrantz)
- Otoliths and mussel shells as recorders of potential future pollution on a transect from Nuuk to the proposed Isua iron-mine (J.Søndergaard)
- Greenhouse gases (CO2-CH4-N2O) dynamics within fjord sea ice (N.X. Geilfus)
- Underwater eddy correlation measurements of ice-ocean heat and mass exchange (B. Else)
- Evolution and distribution of pH in natural first-year sea ice (A. Hare)
- Assessment of sea ice algae production in Kanajorusuit Fjord (K. Campbell)
- Mercury transport and transformation across the sea ice environment (F. Wang)
- Circulation and exchange processes at the entrance to Godthåbsfjord (S. Rysgaard)
- Interactions between atmospheric processes and marine emissions of carbon - February (L.L. Sørensen)
- Influence of environmental gradients on arctic plant communities (J. Nabe)
- Impact of shrub expansion and climate, and climate gradients on arthropod assemblages (T. Høye)
- Ecosystem patterns and processes at retreating glaciers (N. Martin Schmidt)
- Snow cover in the Godthabsfjord area 2007-2013 (M. Tamsdorf)
- Fingerprints in lake sediments from retreating and expanding glaciers in a changing climate (M. Solveig Seidenkrantz)
- Limnic ecosystem patterns and processes near retreating glaciers (E. Jeppesen)
- Glacial activity and its consequences to terrestrial and limnic systems in the Kobbefjord (E. Jeppesen & T. Lauridsen)
- Evolution potential...Arctic char and three-spined stickleback in Greenland (M. Møller Hansen)
- Carbon cycling in glacier forelands and the microbial terrestrial-atmospheric coupling (K. Finster)
- A millenium of changing environmment in the Godthabsfjord (A. Lennert)
- Permafrost - preserving the cultural heritage of Greenland in a changing climate (J. Hollesen)