Acknowledgements, logos & templates

Acknowledgements, logos & templates
This is a reminder to ASP members to acknowledge the ASP in their work. To facilitate this we have posted samples for acknowledgement statements, logos and templates.
Adapt these sample acknowledgements for your papers and posters - check with your supervisors to ensure proper acknowledgement of collaborators and funding agencies!
For ARC members:
Should be included in all ARC publications:We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Arctic Research Centre (ARC), Aarhus University.
Should be included in publications that benefited in any way from the ASP (e.g. participated in ASP field campaigns):
This work is a contribution to the Arctic Science Partnership (ASP)
Should be included in publications that benefited in any way from the Canada Excellence Research Chair (same as for ASP campaigns):
Support was also provided by the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC)
For CEOS members:
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) and Canada Research Chair (CRC) programs. Support was also provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research (NSERC) Council, the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the University of Manitoba. 'Text here for unique contributions from other groups such as Oil and Gas, Hydro, Foundations, etc'. This work is a contribution to the ArcticNet Networks of Centres of Excellence and the Arctic Science Partnership (ASP)
For GINR members
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions from the The Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation, the Danish Energy Agency and Aage V. Jensens Charity Foundation. 'Text here for unique contributions from other groups such as Defrost, Canada Excellence Research Chair program, etc'. This work is a part of the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources activities and the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Program, and a contribution to the Arctic Science Partnership (ASP)
Download ASP, ARC, CEOS, GCRC and GINR logos for posters, letterhead, presentations etc!
Before you download these logos please read the disclaimer (click here).
The EPS format is recommended for print like posters or for PDF documents.
The PNG (large and small) format is usefull for PowerPoint, text documents and web. Large PNG can also be used for print.
ASP logos
ARC logos
PDF format - negative - for printing on black or dark backgrounds
CEOS logos
UManitoba logos
GCRC logo
GINR logo
ASP powerpoint templates
Each ppt template contains two options for title page: One with graphic background and one with a sample-picture as background. To change the picture into one that represents your research click on the design tab in the PowerPoint menu. Click on “background styles” then on “format background” you will get a dialog box and under “fill” you can pick a picture file from your computer and insert is as background picture.
Each template also contains a number of content pages; they appear when you click on the arrow at the "new slide tab".
The templates below are similar but with different logos:
ASP template (Only ASP logo)
ASP_AU template (ASP logo and AU logo)
ASP_GINR template (ASP logo and GINR logo)
ASP_UoM template (ASP logo and UoM logo)
ASP_AU_GINR_UoM template (ASP logo and AU and GINR and UoM logo)