
ASP partner institutions offer a number of undergraduate-level courses related to the Arctic. These courses should be available to students at all three institutions for credit toward their degrees. It is the responsibility of students to check with their local administrators prior to registering, to verify transfer of credits. Lists of existing courses at the various levels is dynamic and will change with short notice.
Undergraduate courses
For more information about courses at Aarhus University contact: Dr. Lise Lotte Sørensen
Undergraduate courses
- GEOG 2530 Geography of Canada
- GEOG 2540 Weather and Climate
- GEOG 2700 Introduction to Arctic System Science
- GEOG 3200 Introduction to Remote Sensing
- GEOG 3320 Introduction to Microclimates
- GEOG 3390 Introduction to Climate Change and Its Causes
- GEOG 3730 Geographic Information Systems
- GEOG 4200 Advanced Methods in Remote Sensing
- GEOG 4310 Boundary Layer Climatology and Micrometeorology
- GEOG 4300 Concepts in Atmospheric Modeling
- GEOG 4390 Global Climate Change
- GEOG 4720 Advanced Methods in Geographic Information Systems
- ENVR 2550 Environmental Chemistry
- ENVR 3340 Circumpolar Cultures and Lifestyles
- ENVR 4000 Land and Environment in the Circumpolar World
- ENVR 4550 Aquatic Chemistry
- ANTH 2040 Native North America: A Sociocultural Survey
- ANTH 3500 People in the Arctic
- BIOL 2300 Principles of Ecology
- BIOL 2390 Introductory Ecology
- BIOL 3312 Community Ecology
- BIOL 3318 Boreal Ecology
- BIOL 4390 Principles of Wildlife Management
- NATV 2070 The Native Peoples of the Subarctic
- NATV 2080 Inuit Society and Culture
- NATV 4240 Arctic Lifestyles
- CHEM 2550 Environmental Chemistry
- GEOL 2390 Environmental Geology
- GEOL 2440 Structural Geology 1
- GEOL 2500 Introduction to Mineralogy
- GEOL 2530 Introductory Sedimentary Petrology and Stratigraphy
- GEOL 2570 Energy and Mineral Resources
- GEOL 3440 Structure and Metamorphism
- GEOL 3490 Glacial Geology and Geomorphology
For more information about courses at University of Manitoba contact: Dr. John Iacozza
Undergraduate courses
For more information about courses in Nuuk contact: Dr. Dorte Haubjerg Søgaard