
ASP partner institutions offer a number of graduate-level courses related to the Arctic. These courses should be available to students at all three institutions for credit toward their degrees. It is the responsibility of students to check with their local administrators prior to registering, to verify transfer of credits. Lists of existing courses at the various levels is dynamic and will change with short notice.
Masters and PhD
- Glacial Geology and Sedimentology (Q1+Q2; 10 ECTS)
- Quaternary Terrestrial Palaeoecology (Q1+Q2; 10 ECTS)
- Biological-Physical Oceanography, (Q1; 5 ECTS)
- Climate through Earth’s history (Q4; 5 ECTS)
- Fish biology (Q3; 5 ECTS)
- Marine mammal ecophysiology (Q3; 5 ECTS)
- Modelling of biological processes (Q3; 5 ECTS)
- The Ecology of Lakes (Q3; 5 ECTS)
- Arctic System Science (5 ECTS)
For more information about courses at Aarhus University contact: Dr. Lise Lotte Sørensen
Masters and PhD
- GEOG 7010 Selected Topics in Geography
- GEOG 7160 Hydroclimatology
- GEOG 7270 Physical and Synoptic Climatology
- GEOG 7400 Field Topics in Arctic Systems
- GEOG 7420 Synoptic Meteorology and Weather Analysis
- GEOG 7430 Modelling the Atmosphere and Physical Climate
- GEOG 7440 Climate Change
- GEOG 7450 Boundary-Layer Climatology and Micrometeorology
- GEOG 7460 Advanced Methods in Geographic Information Systems
- GEOG 7470 Techniques in Climatology
- GEOG 7480 Advanced Methods in Remote Sensing
- GEOG 7490 Natural Hazards and Disasters
- GEOG 7500 Biogeography
For more information about courses at University of Manitoba contact: Dr. John Iacozza
Masters and PhD
- Sea ice in the Arctic marine system (5 ECTS/3 credit hours, offered by UofM)
- Climate forcing, effects and adaptation (10 ECTS, offered by AU)
- Fisheries and hunting in Greenland (5 ECTS, offered by University of Greenland and GINR)
- Arctic marine ecosystems (10 ECTS, offered by AU and GINR)
- Arctic governance and sustainable development: social and environmental challenges (5 ECTS, offered by University of Greenland)
For more information on this “course package” contact Lise Lotte Sørensen, AU ( or Thomas Juul-Pedersen, GINR (