Vacant Postdoctoral Fellow position in Norway

Vacant Postdoctoral Fellow position in Norway

At the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, there is a position available for a Postdoctoral research fellow on the study of Ocean Turbulence and Sea Ice Biogeochemical Exchanges. The position is affiliated with the Arctic Marine System Ecology (AMSE) research group and the Norwegian Research Council project BREATHE.

The position is a fixed term of 27 months from spring 2022. The applicant must carry out project duties over the full term of employment. No person can hold more than one fixed-term position as Potdoctoral Fellow at the same institution. The Postdoctoral Fellow must work from Tromsø, at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. After receiving the offer of appointment, the applicant must be able to commence the position between February and June 2022.

The Department of Arctic and Marine Biology (AMB) includes 5 research groups distributed across several buildings. Research and teaching at AMB has a broad span, from molecular mechanisms at cellular/subcellular levels to organism and ecosystem-based levels of investigation. The Institute has extensive national and international research collaborations, including regional institutions like Framsenteret, IMR and NIBIO. The AMB department is comprised of 56 permanent scientists, 25 technicians, 12 administrative positions and 50 temporary employees (researchers, postdocs, PhD research fellows, technicians).

If you recieve a personal overseas research grant from NFR it is possible to apply NFR for an extension of the fellowship period corresponding to the length of the stay abroad (minimum three months, maximum 12 months).

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