4th Annual Meeting of the Canada Excellence Research Chairs
The Arctic Circle is nonprofit and nonpartisan. Organizations, forums, think tanks, corporations and public associations around the world are invited to hold meetings within the Arctic Circle platform to advance their own missions and the broader goal of increasing collaborative decision-making without surrendering their institutional independence.
About Arctic Change 2014
The Arctic is undergoing a major transformation. Climate change and modernization are bringing important issues, including the health of Northerners, melting sea-ice, intercontinental shipping, sovereignty, resource exploitation, and the environment, to the forefront of national and international agendas. Circumpolar nations face an increased urgency to expand the observational capacity needed to formulate strategies and policies that will minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive outcomes of this transformation.
The annual meeting of the ASP management teams:
The meeting in 2014 will be held in KALØVIG Center, Denmark.
Day 1 consists of presentations of ARC-funded Nuuk projects in 2013, as well as presentations by ARC-funded PhD students and postdocs. If, as a PI, you are unable to attend, please delegate the task of presenting your project to someone else from your group. Presentations should include a list of ‘expected publications’, incl. preliminary titles.
A meeting of all ASP Team members from each centre, to update the status and review the 5 major areas related to the Arctic Science Partnershio - 1) research, 2) operations, 3) administration, 4) communications, and 5) education. This meeting takes place Nov.14-16, at the GCRC facility in Nuuk Greenland, following their Annual Meeting.
The Greenland Climate Research Centre (GCRC) is very pleased to inform you that our Annual Meeting will take place: 12 - 14 November 2013at Hotel Hans Egede / Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland.
The GCRC Annual Meeting is open to all formal participants in our GCRC project groups and to invited partners, and we hope to see everyone here in Nuuk!
For all of our project managers (PI) the meeting is considered mandatory. You will all receive a detailed meeting program later this autumn.
The ArcticNet Network of Centres of Excellence of Canada and its partners are welcoming the Arctic research community to Halifax for the 9th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2013) to be held from 9 to 13 December 2013 at the World Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Canada Excellence Research Chairs Presentations - hosted by the University of Alberta.
The public is invited to attend this very special event on campus where some of Canada's greatest minds will share key developments and the latest discoveries in their respective research programs.
Date: May 13, 2012
Location: Rm 2-001, Natural Resources Engineering Facility (NRE) - University of Alberta (Canada)
One of the largest sea ice research teams in the world celebrates the opening of a new laboratory that will transform and lead global efforts to understand climate change. Arctic scientists have a new home: the Nellie Cournoyea Arctic Research Facility, a transformational institute in the University of Manitoba’s Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources.