Position available: Past changes in ocean circulation and climate off Greenland
Position available: Past changes in ocean circulation and climate off Greenland
Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship/scholarship at Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark, within the Geoscience programme. The position is available from May 2023 or later.
Past changes in ocean circulation and climate off Greenland
Research area and project description:
The Ph.D. project will focus on investigating past changes in climate and ocean circulation off Greenland. This will be done through the multi-proxy study of marine sediment cores from Greenland shelves and fjords to establish longer time series of recent centuries and millennia and compare these to modern ocean and atmospheric conditions.
Within this framework, the specific approach of the Ph.D. project will be decided in collaboration with the successful candidate, but potential studies may include a combination of micropaleontology (foraminifera, diatoms), sedimentology and/or geochemistry (organic biomarkers, XRF core scanning data, stable isotopes, CaCO3, TOC).
The position is part of the GreenShelf project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) and the work will be carried out in an international research environment.