Vacant position: PhD Fellow in Sea Ice Microbial Diversity and Production

Vacant position: PhD Fellow in Sea Ice Microbial Diversity and Production

 A position as PhD Fellow on the study of microbial (i.e. algae, bacteria, fungi) taxonomic diversity and productivity in the sea ice biome is available at the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology (AMB), Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics (BFE) affiliated with the Arctic Marine System Ecology research group and the European Research Council Starting Grant project Micro-SHIFT.

The position is for a period of four years. The nominal length of the PhD programme is three years. The fourth year is distributed as 25 % each year and will consist of teaching and other duties. The objective of the position is to complete research training to the level of a doctoral degree. Admission to the PhD programme is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position.

The workplace is at UiT in Tromsø. You must be able to start in the position within a reasonable time after receiving the offer.

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