International Arctic Change 2014 Conference: Second announcement and Call for sessions
International Arctic Change 2014 Conference: Second announcement and Call for sessions
Dear Arctic colleagues,Mark your calendars!This is the Second Announcement and Call for Sessions for the international Arctic Change 2014 conference.
The ArcticNet Network of Centres of Excellence of Canada and its national and international partners are excited to welcome Arctic researchers, stakeholders and decision-makers to Ottawa for the international Arctic Change 2014 conference to be held at the new Ottawa Convention Centre from 8-12 December 2014.
Arctic Change 2014 aims to stimulate discussion and foster collaborations among people with a vested interest in the Arctic and its peoples. Coinciding with the pinnacle of Canada’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council and marking ArcticNet’s 10th anniversary, Arctic Change 2014 will bring together researchers, students, Northerners, policy makers, private sector representatives and media from all countries to address the numerous environmental, social, economical and political challenges and opportunities that are emerging from climate change and modernization in the Arctic. With over 1000 participants expected to attend, Arctic Change 2014 will be one of the largest trans-sectoral international Arctic research conferences ever held in Canada.
Call for sessionsThe Arctic Change 2014 International Organizing Committee invites proposals for topical sessions of interest to the Arctic research community. Proposals should identify at least two co-chairs planning to attend the meeting. Proposals should include an informative session title (max 150 characters) and a short description of the session (less than 2500 characters). Session descriptions should be broad enough to include all interested researchers, regardless of affiliation or research background. Session proposals should be submitted online using the session submission form available on the Arctic Change 2014 website.
Session proposals are being accepted until Friday, 16 May 2014.
General Topics
Arctic Change 2014 will be a major international venue for scientific exchange across broad Arctic research disciplines in natural, human health and social sciences. General topics to be addressed include but are not restricted to:• Monitoring, Modeling and Predicting Circumpolar and Regional Arctic Systems• Oceanic and Atmospheric Fluxes through the Arctic• Sensitivity and Change of Cryospheric Systems• Tracking and Predicting Socio-Economic, and Cultural Change in the Arctic• Community Adaptation and Vulnerability in the Arctic Regions• Mapping the Arctic Ocean, Continental Shelves and Margins• Arctic Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystem Structure, Biodiversity and Services• Coastal Processes and the Vulnerability of Communities, Infrastructures and Resources• Assessing, Understanding and Monitoring the Health of Ecosystems and Humans in the Arctic• Legal, Political, Security and Navigation Issues in Opening Arctic Waterways• Sustainable Development and Prosperity in the Arctic• Adapting New Technologies to the Advantage of Arctic Research and Monitoring• Arctic Data Management, Access and Integration• From Knowledge to Decision and Policy-MakingVisit the Arctic Change 2014 Website:
Information on the conference, venue, lodging, registration, sponsor/exhibitor opportunities and call for sessions is available on the Arctic Change 2014 website at :
Please post and circulate this announcement among your networks.
We look forward to welcoming you to Ottawa for what promises to be an exceptional international Arctic research meeting.
Best regards,
Martin Fortier, for the International Organizing Committee
__________________________________________Martin Fortier, Ph.D.
Executive Director/Directeur exécutif - ArcticNet
1045, av. de la Médecine, Local 4081
Université Laval, Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
T: 1-418-656-5233
C: 1-418-655-5233
F: 1-418-656-2334