Arctic Science Days
Arctic Science Days
Arctic Science Day at FortWhyte Alive (Winnipeg, Canada)
In a collaborative effort, FortWhyte Alive, Center for Earth Observation graduate students, and Schools on Board host an annual Arctic Science Day on the grounds that FortWhyte Alive. The day focusses on bringing Arctic scinetists from the Univeristy of Manitoba together with high school students in an outdoor learning environment. Scientists demonstrate and involve students in sampling techniques while communicating the importance of conducting research in the Arctic. Students are introduced to the following aspets of Arctic research:
- Snow and ice sampling
- Contaminants in snow, water, and biota
- Atmospheric sciences
- Surface energy budget and albedo
- Remote sensing
- Arctic people and their environment
This model for communicating science is being promoted through the ArcticNet Student Association as a 'best practice' for connecting scientific research to science education through simulated field experiences.
ICE-Camp Day - Kiilinik High School, Cambridge Bay, NU
During Ice Covered Ecosystem-CAMbridge bay Process Study (ICE-CAMPS 2014), students from the Kiilinik High School in Cambridge Bay visited the ice camp through collaboration with Schools on Board. The result was a unique learning opporutunity for high school students and teachers to interact with scientists on the land and learn about research being conducted.