2017 GENICE - CCGS Amundsen Campaign
2017 GENICE - CCGS Amundsen Campaign
GENICE is a Genome Canada $10.7 M, 4-year project led by Drs. Gary Stern (CEOS) and Casey Hubert (University of Calgary). Officially announced December 8, 2016 by Minister of Science Kristy Duncan, the Large-Scale Applied Research Project will make use of the upcoming Churchill Marine Observatory and its Oil in Sea Ice Mesocosms.
GENICE outcomes include:
1) Baseline microbial genomics data useful for assessing marine ecosystem resilience and response to hydrocarbon pollution; 2) Bioremediation viability case studies; 3) Recommendations on technology-based emergency spill response strategies; 4) Best practices for successful knowledge transfer and sharing of diverse knowledge types; and 5) Mobilized sharing of genomics and bioremediation information for informed decision making and policy development.
These outcomes will lead to informed and appropriately scaled plans for coastal and ocean management, spill mitigation strategies, improved risk management, and decreased environmental, social, economic and regulatory uncertainties associated with potential spills. Through the GE3LS component of the project, GENICE will bring together scientists, residents of northern communities, indigenous organizations, government departments, regulatory agencies, non-governmental and private sector groups to contribute their needs and knowledge to the project and also to enact GENICE deliverables.
The GENICE team will be onboard the CCGS Amundsen during the 2017 BaySys Study.
PI: G. Stern (CEOS); C. Hubert (UofC)
Project coordinators: Ashley Gaden (CEOS) and Rhonda Clark (UofC)
Participants: Gary Stern, David Barber (CEOS); Casey Hubert, Amy Noel
Fieldwork Summary/ Photo Blog