Baysys Team 3: Marine Ecosystems
Baysys Team 3: Marine Ecosystems
Start/end date:
Sunday, December 20, 2015 - 10:15
Event type:
The objective of Team 3 is to assess how different drivers collectively affect biological productivity and the diversity and interaction of water column organisms (microbes, algae and consumers) and the benthos, with an aim to identify the fate of nutrients entering Hudson Bay through marine gateways and regulated versus unregulated rivers.
Lead: J.-E. Tremblay (Laval); Manitoba Hydro Co-Lead: G. Swanson, J. Hunt
Members: C.J. Mundy (U. Manitoba), P. Archambault (Université de Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)), S. Bélanger (UQAR), L. Fortier (Laval), C. Lovejoy (Laval), and F. Maps (Laval)
Fieldwork summary/photo blog
Link to project summary report