Dynamics of CO2 and greenhouse gases within sea ice
Dynamics of CO2 and greenhouse gases within sea ice
Start/end date:
Thursday, May 1, 2014 - 00:00 to Thursday, July 3, 2014 - 00:00
Event type:
This project has for goal to follow the dynamic of the inorganic carbon within sea ice from the end of the winter to the complete melt of the ice cover. We will look at the interaction between the ice and the atmosphere and the underlying seawater. Once the melt ponds will form, we will look more particularly on how these melt ponds form their impact of the CO2 exchange with the ice and the ocean.
Field site: Daneborg Fjord
Project Participants: Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus (AU); Odile Crabeck (CEOS); Bruno Delille (FRS-FNRS, Belgium); Marie Kotovich (Belgium)
Fieldwork summary/photo blog
Link to project summary report