Importance of benthic primary production assessed by in situ eddy-correlation measurements

Importance of benthic primary production assessed by in situ eddy-correlation measurements

Start/end date: 
Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 00:00 to Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 18:00
Event type: 

Benthic carbon turn-over is essential for coastal ecosystem functioning. In areas where light reach the sediment benthic organism may add significantly to system productivity through photosynthesis. Concurrently, both photic and non-photic sediments are important for the mineralization (and preservation) of organic material. The changing Artic climate is predicted to decrease sea ice cover and increase terrestrial run-off with consequences for the availability of light and carbon to the benthic community. The present project aims to

  1. Quantify the benthic community net O2 production and consumption as a function of irradiance and depth in the other part of Young Sound
  2. Estimate the faunal and fauna-stimulated contribution to the benthic O2 consumption.
  3. Provide input parameters for ecosystem modelling of the benthic carbon turnover in YS

In situ non-invasive eddy correlation (EC) measurements will provide O2 flux rates across the benthic interface at a depth transect from 10 to 160 meters, outside Daneborg. Site characteristics and presence of fauna will be described from high-resolution underwater images and faunal specific O2 consumption will be calculated. Light availability for benthic photosynthesis will be modelled and measured from water column light attenuation profiles. In addition, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) will be characterized at selected freshwater inputs and data will be used as input parameters for a numerical model with the aim to quantify the total benthic primary production in Young Sound at different climate scenarios.

PI: Kasper Hancke and Ronnie Glud

Field Site: Daneborg, N.E. Greenland


Fieldwork summary/photo blog

Link to project summary report