Marin Basis Zackenberg
Marin Basis Zackenberg
Start/end date:
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 - 08:00 to Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 08:00
Event type:
Marin Basis Monitoring Program is a part of the GEM program, and take place in Young Sund every year in late July until middle of August. The program follows the levels and changes in
- Sea ice
- Ice cover and thickness
- Water column
- Temperature, salt, pressure on transects and continuous measurements
- Sedimentation
- Nutrients, DIC/TA and plankton composition
- Light, Fluoresence and Chlorophyl
- Sediment
- Flux experiment
- Oxygen profiles
- Sulphate reduction
- Benthic fauna
- Laminaria saccharina
- Walrus – registration
PI: Mikael Sejr
Field Site: Daneborg and Young Sound
Link to Isaaffik website
Fieldwork summary/photo blog
Link to project summary report