
The SWIPA 2017 assessment is the fourth AMAP assessment addressing Arctic climate issues and is a direct follow up to the first Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA).


Twenty years of Arctic research can help scientists around the world better understand climate and environment change.

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World leaders and activists are gathering in Germany this week to decide how to implement the Paris Climate Accord.

LANCASTER SOUND, NUNAVUT — From a distance, the northern shores of Baffin Island in the Arctic appear barren — a craggy world of snow-capped peaks and glaciers surrounded by a sea of floating ice even in the midst of summer.

Manitoba's proposed carbon tax scheme doesn't go far enough to deter fossil fuel consumption. That's the view of renowned Arctic sea-ice researcher and University of Manitoba professor David Barber.

OTTAWA — Just one day after the federal government saved an Arctic climate change research program from the brink of death, another is knocking on the door looking for salvation.

An Invitation to International Arctic Researchers, Stakeholders and Decision-Makers.

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New maps of Greenland’s coastal seafloor and bedrock beneath its massive ice sheet show that two to four times as many coastal glaciers are at risk of accelerated melting due to climate change as previously thought.

A University of Manitoba graduate student discovered Canada’s first, genuine, scientifically sound monster lurking under our Arctic sea ice. Read more...
