
Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen diverted from science mission, continues search and rescue work. Read more at CBC News ...

The PCI steering committee and the Paul Scherrer Institute proudly announce:

The 14th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2018 in Zürich) 

​Date: 08-12 January 2018

Aarhus University and Greenland Institute of Natural Resources are proud to host the International Conference of the North Water Polynya 2017. The theme for the conference is "Natural science on the North Water Polynya".

The world is heating up — and much more quickly than expected, a recent Arctic research report states."Arctic temperatures are rising faster than the global average," the Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic assessment states.

Temperatures in the Arctic are rising two times higher than the rest of the planet and are already affecting other parts of the world, according to an international assessment.

The latest SWIPA Report, an international scientific assessment of what has changed in the Arctic and the consequences of those changes, will be released today.

A new international report shows that Arctic temperatures are rising higher and faster than expected, and the effects are already being felt around the world. "The Arctic's climate is shifting to a new state," warns the report.

The Arctic climate is entering a new state, say the scientists behind a new pan-Arctic report. But implementing the Paris Climate Agreement in full could stave off some of the biggest changes post 2050.

The Greenland part of Baffin Bay between 71° N and 78° N was opened for petroleum exploration in 2010 and seven licenses were granted by the Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum (BMP).

Rane Willerslev, a professor of Social Anthropology and a well-known researcher and adventurer is becomming new director of the Danish National Museum. He aims to make the National Museum "wild and challenging". 
