Mooring recovery - Station Nord

Mooring recovery - Station Nord

Start/end date: 
Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 00:00 to Monday, May 8, 2017 - 00:00
Event type: 

The major objective of this project is to recover (i) the ice-tethered mooring equipped with current velocity and CTD profilers, (ii) Ice Mass Balance Buoy, and (iii) a time-lapse camera, all deployed in April 2016. The recoveries will be accompanied with the collecting of CTD data along the glacier terminus and within the glacier mélange. The current measurements along with the timeseries of vertical CTD profiles will provide a new piece of information about the release of freshwater from beneath the glacier over the course of the year. The camera suggests providing the visual information of possible calving events that may be related to fresh water releases observed below.


Fieldwork site: The landfast sea ice in the front of Flade Isblink Ice Cap terminus (Greenland)


PI: Igor Dmitrenko

Participants: Igor Dmitrenko, Sergei Kirillov, David Babb (CEOS), Egon Randa Frandsen (ARC)

Link to Isaaffik website


Fieldwork summary/photo blog