The objective of the project is to strengthen the understanding of the regional and local processes controlling the arctic climate changes. It is our intension to observe the development of CO2 in the arctic atmosphere at Zackenberg Marine Station by an artic fjord sampling and analyzing concentrations as well as the fluxes. We will carry out intensive measurements of CO2 fluxes and carbonate chemistry in the ice and water during the time of ice break up and measurements of CO2 fluxes during the full year. The study of CO2 concentration variation and air-sea CO2 fluxes at an Artic coastal area will contribute to an enhanced understanding of the interaction between greenhouse gases and the physical, chemical and biological processes in the ice-covered marine area. Lise Lotte Sørensen and Bjarne Jensen, will carry out measurements of CO2 concentrations and fluxes adjacent with measurements of atmospheric relevant parameters at the station. Dorte H. Søgaard og Egon R. Frandsen will carry out measurements of biological processes, carbon, temperature, salinity and alkalinity in sea ice and in the marine surface. The flux measurements will continue throughout the year and will be supervised by Egon Frandsen and/or Mikael Sejr in connection with the GEM measurements.
PI: Lise Lotte Sørensen
Link to Isaaffik website