
Invitation to participate in an Open Think-Tank
In April 2015 Heather Kyle and Yubin Hu went to Station Nord, Greenland as participants on Leg 1 of the 2015 ASP research campaign at the Villum Research Station.
State-of-the-art research station will closely monitor the severe climate change taking place in the Arctic. Researchers from all over the world have booked stays at the research station.

CHURCHILL, Man. – A multimillion-dollar marine observatory is being built in Churchill, Man.

The Churchill Marine Observatory positions Canada as a global leader of research into the detection, impact and mitigation of oil spills in sea ice. Read more....

Mikael Sejr & Tage Dalsgaard has received 1.4 mio. DKr to investigate impacts of glacial meltwater on physical and biological structure in NW and NE Greenland fjords. The project will contribute to the ASP campaign in Baffin Bay in 2016.

Søren Rysgaard & Mikael Sejr has received 1 mio. Dkr to fund a research cruise in the eastern part of the Baffin Bay during 2016. The cruise will be a contribution the ASP campaign in the Baffin Bay 2016.

ASP scientists (University of Manitoba) participate in a collaborative expedition with ArcticNet, a network of Centres of Excellence in Canada, the Research and Development Corporation (RDC), Husky Energy, academia, and industry to learn more about the offshore environment of Atlantic, Canada. 
