
By Kristian Moltsen Jakobsen (AU student):

So we finished the Sea ice course here in Nuuk, Greenland. The course consisted of participants from University of Manitoba in Canada and Aarhus University in Denmark. 

Following a record winter in many ways, Arctic sea-ice cover seems poised to reach one of its smallest winter maxima ever. As of 28 February, ice covered 14.525 million square kilometres, or  938,000 square kilometres less than the 1981–2010 average.

The Greenland Climate Research Centre (GCRC) at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR) invites applications for a position as senior scientist/scienti

Aerial surveys show that the presence of less ice at the mouth of the Mackenzie River seems to attract more beluga whales.

Back for a fifth year of operations, the Sea-ice Environmental Research Facility (SERF) at the University of Manitoba is conducting its latest batch of experiments to determine environmental impact on the salt water ice of the Arctic.

This popular scientific article (in Danish) describes how CO2 is exchanged between the ocean and the atmosphere when sea-ice is formed. The findings were based on field experiments in Northeast Greenland.

The EU-PolarNet consortium has compiled a set of twelve overarching European research priorities for the Polar Regions, which have been identified based on national polar strategies, international consortia and major scientific clusters.

A canadian graduate students account on a first time visit in Greenland in connection with a sea ice field cource in Nuuk.

Greenland Climate Research Centre is looking for a dedicated researcher with a background in marine biology who can work well in the dynamic and challenging environment of the Greenland Climate Research Centre.

In order to strengthen strategic developments in the research field as well as recruitment of researchers in Greenland, Pinngortitaleriffik, the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR), hereby call for applications for three PhD studentships (3 year) or postdoctoral grants (2 year) to be
