
The Zackenberg research station celebrates its 20-year anniversary – nine important scientific discoveries are listed below.

In April 2015, Yubin and I went to Station Nord, Greenland as participants on Leg 1 of the 2015 ASP research campaign at the Villum Research Station. Four other participants from CEOS, as well as several participants from Denmark, were also there at the same time.

A talk by Ms Karin Lochte. Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany)

We are pleased to provide you with information on competitions for the 2015-16 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships and Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Canada’s most prestigious and highest valued awards for postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students today.

Twenty years of Arctic research puts Denmark on the world map.
When Jacob Thyrring this week takes his seat in the flight deck on board AA-6535 with Washington as destination, he is flying in more than one sense. The talented PhD student participates as the only Danish representative in the large-scale and three-week long 'International visitor leadership program' in the United States.

CEOS (UofM) Churchill Marine Observatory receives funding to study oil spills in the Arctic - top 3 for CFI funding! 

The entire research station NEEM has been moved 465 km across the Greenland ice sheet on skis to the new camp EGRIP, where there will be a future international drilling camp and a gateway to research programmes in East Greenland.

Nicole Pogorzelec from the University of Manitoba, participates in the GreenEdge Project. This is her submission to the GreenEdge website: 

The Super Puma helicopter dropped myself and 6 others aboard the RV Lance on 30 April to kick off the start of leg 4 of the N-ICE2015 project.
